
If you are seeing this page, you probably have a presentation or evaluation video that has been edited and uploaded to a private Google Drive space for temporary proofing. Keep in mind that these links are NOT advertised or searchable publicly.


Your video is now ready for you to proof! You were emailed a link.

Some things you can alert us to if you decide to keep or share of the video:

  • Misspellings of your name/speech title in the title frame
  • Audio issues we might have missed
  • A part of the speech that you’d like edited out that would allow you to allow us to share it publicly as mentioned below (please specify time range), and reason for edit. Please limit this as much as possible as editing is time intensive.
  • Anything else that comes to your attention or concerns you

Copyright / Your Rights / Sharing

As the videographer has relinquished the copyright to you, you are free to:

  • Download the edited video by requesting that an mp4 file be sent to you for your own purposes such as to upload to your own Youtube Channel, Facebook, etc. Please note that that the vidoes are not retained permanently and may be deleted in 3 weeks time to save space .      


  • Grant Plantation Toastmasters a perpetual right to upload the video to the Plantation Toastmasters’ social media platforms, including but not limited to its Youtube channel and Facebook group (we prefer this…though if your video is an evaluation, we will only share as an approved speech/evaluation pair).
    • If you and we are especially proud of your work, the Vice President of Public Relations may elect to share it with all of Division B, which includes members from central and north Broward county Toastmasters clubs.


  • Request a copy of the native video (edited for audio sync) with or without titling/copyright notice or the club’s watermark. This must be requested within 3 weeks as these native files are large and will be purged at that point….


  • Request an mp3 audio file of the video within 3 weeks. …


  • Request that we delete the video permanently, immediately..

Please remember we are volunteers trying to learn and have fun. Editing can be time intensive and we do this in our free time.

Thanks for allowing us to record your speech. Let us—and the club—know if this was useful for you!